Mindfulness Meditation
& Mind Body Connection Skills

Like hypnosis, mindfulness and mind-body connections can reduce pain; promote healing; and increase calm, energy, hope, & self-esteem. Mindfulness, compassion, and other aspects of mind-body meditation have been validated by neuroscience research.

Mindfulness helps you be your own best friend—a low key, less reactive friend—when you are anxious, depressed, angry or overwhelmed.

Merle Bombardieri brings you a sense of well-being by teaching you phrases and practices that she adapts to your needs and personality. She starts you with brief, relatively easy exercises such as following your breath for just a few minutes and listening to sounds in your environment (birds chirping, radiators pinging) or walking mindfully.

If you are restless or tend to be on the move, Merle will show you how to walk mindfully and to reach a meditative state in sports, knitting, or other activities.

Your most powerful new life skill

Once you have a foundation in mental calm, Merle teaches you how to use mindfulness to be more observant and less reactive when anger, fear, or anxiety arises. You will be able to problem-solve and communicate to resolve the situation.

It is a heady feeling to discover that you can skillfully handle emotions and situations which made you feel out of control in the past. These new skills free you to take risks and tackle transitions with courage.

Benefit from 30 years of mindfulness mastery

Merle has done mindfulness meditation since 1985, including silent retreats as long as 10 days. She has received training from the Institute of Mindfulness and Psychotherapy in the use of mindfulness practices in psychotherapy as they apply to anxiety, depression, pain, self-esteem, and self-compassion among other topics. This training focuses on adapting these practices to meet the needs of individual clients.

If you are interested in meditation and mindfulness as paths to healing, you and Merle will discover what works best for you. She will teach you how to use proven methods when troublesome thoughts and emotions arise so you can enjoy a clear, optimally-functioning mind.

Contact Merle today to learn how to put mindfulness meditation skills to work in all areas of your life. You’ll see Merle’s contact info after the testimonial below:

 Mindmed Mindfulness meditation skills & mind body connection practice

“I have referred many people with anxiety-related physical concerns to Merle. They become free of symptoms because of her enormous skill as a hynotherapist and counselor. She is bright, thoughtful, and innovative.”

Dr. Jennifer Coplon,
South End Community Health Center, Boston,
and Private Practice, Lexington

Get In Touch:

4 + 14 =




Merle [at] Mindmed.com


Anywhere you are, via Zoom

Mon-Fri: 1-7 pm EST by appointment