Coping with Infertility

The former Clinical Director of the national infertility organization RESOLVE and author of many publications on coping with infertility, Merle Bombardieri draws on her forty years of experience to guide you through fertility treatment with calm, confidence, and hope.

Navigate smoothly through treatment with these 12 strategies:

Merle works with you to customize a plan based on your medical issues, psychological strengths, desires and values, and those of your partner.

You will learn how to:

  • Keep a sense of perspective and humor.
  • Cope with stress and maintain a loving relationship with your partner.
  • Communicate with your doctor and medical team in order to get your needs met.
  • Maintain your career and manage confidentiality at work.
  • Get support from family and friends.
  • Deal with the pregnant women and new mothers in your life.
  • Choose among alternatives such as donor egg, donor sperm, receiving donated embryos, adoption, and surrogacy.
  • Reduce stress by grieving the loss of all your past attempts and miscarriages, even if you’re still trying and have every reason to be hopeful.
  • Mourn the loss of a miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death and decide whether to try again.
  • Cope with pregnancy after infertility or pregnancy loss, including any complications.
  • Decide when enough is enough.
  • Grieve never having a biological child if you choose to adopt or not have children.

Merle can also help with OB-GYN issues:

You will learn how to:

  • Cope with emotional storms during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
  • Handle frustrating pregnancy complications and bed rest.
  • Manage postpartum relationships and parenting issues.
  • Understand that bonding isn’t always immediate, and handle your feelings about this.
  • Decide whether to have another child, and preparing your family for the new baby.
  • Decide on or cope with gynecological surgery, including hysterectomy.
  • Preserve your fertility before cancer treatment.
  • Handle the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

Merle views childbirth and menopause not only as powerful physical experiences, but for some, a time of emotional and spiritual growth. She also values and recommends, when appropriate, approaches such as yoga, acupuncture, and homeopathy, as well as her own tools of hypnosis and meditation.

If you are considering adoption as a solution to your childlessness, please visit our Adoption page to learn more about other helpful related services.

Contact Merle today to address your fertility challenges or goals. You’ll see Merle’s contact info after the testimonial below:

infertility expert counseling and fertility methods or alternatives photo of couple holding hands with baby shoes logo 2022

“Merle’s work has set the standard for infertility counseling.
She has made tremendous contributions to the understanding and treatment of the difficult issues and decisions regarding fertility and parenthood.”

Harriet Simons, LICSW, Ph.D.
Wanting Another Child: Coping with Secondary Infertility
Editor: Infertility: Medical, Emotional, and Social Considerations
Adjunct Associate Professor, Smith College, School for Social Work
RESOLVE Support Group Leader

Get In Touch:

10 + 1 =




Merle [at]


Anywhere you are, via Zoom

Mon-Fri: 1-7 pm EST by appointment