Designing an Ideal Childfree Life

What a world of possibility opens up when you decide to be childfree! You will enjoy control over your time, energy, and money.

Trust your childfree choice

Using deep insights from psychology and practical life planning skills, we will work together to strategize for an exciting, meaningful life. We will base this plan on your talents, interests, and values—not on your family’s or society’s expectations.

Questions you might want to consult on include:

  • How do I know if I can trust this choice?
  • ​”I’m pretty sure this is the right choice for me/us. But what if I wake up when I’m 50 and decide this was a terrible mistake?
  • How do we announce, celebrate, and launch this decision?
  • How do we tell our parents that we won’t be giving them a grandchild?
  • Will I be lonely if I outlive my partner?
  • Who will care for me when I’m old?

Less worry, more confidence

Here are examples of empowering exercises we might do together:

Withstanding pronatalist pressures. Getting busybodies to shut up quickly but having meaningful conversations with friends and family  who can listen and respect you.

Understanding and respecting the stages of grief and acceptance your parents may go through before eventually supporting you.

Refuting the idea that you must do something spectacular to make up for not having children.

Understanding other ways to meet the need to connect with kids* without being a parent—such as nurturing, enjoying family events, being playful and staying connected to the younger generation. (*If you have that need. Many childfree people don’t.)

Preparing for old age financially and psychologically. Deepening friendships and finding community for now as well as when you are older.

Knowing how to make the most of your relationship, if you’re in one. For instance, making time for psychological and sexual intimacy, traveling, or doing joint projects in your home or community.

Taking pride in your significant contribution to the environment by not adding new carbon footprints including those that would have been generated by your children, grandchildren, and successive generations. Doing volunteer work for the environment or other social justice work.

Contact Merle today to talk about your childfree living questions and how we can meet your decision-making needs. You’ll see Merle’s contact info after the testimonial below:

 Childfree living advantages expert counseling page photo of couple walking on beach at sunset

“Intelligent, sensitive, and exceptionally useful support to all in the process of conscious decision making about transition to parenthood or childfree living.”

Janet Surrey, Ph.D.,
Clinical Psychologist and Meditation Teacher
specializing in diversity, mothering, adoption, and substance abuse.
Author of The Buddha’s Wife: The Path of Awakening Together

Get In Touch:

3 + 8 =




Merle [at]


Anywhere you are, via Zoom

Mon-Fri: 1-7 pm EST by appointment