Is Being a Mother Right for You?

Merle Bombardieri, author of The Baby Decision: How to Make the Most Important Choice of Your Life (see links further below), and contributor to Our Bodies, Ourselves, can answer your questions about transitioning to motherhood and being a nurturing mother.

“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.”

Those wise words came from 19th-century English novelist Mary Ann Evans, who famously wrote under the pen name George Eliot.

You can take those words to heart whenever you wonder if motherhood is right for you, and how to go about it. If you struggle with any of these worries or questions:

  • “I’d like to have a child, but I worry I won’t be a good enough parent.”
  • “I don’t think I want children, but what If I’m sorry when it’s too late?”
  • “We’ve been trying for four years and still no baby. How much longer can we stand this?”
  • “I’ve lost two pregnancies. What next?”
  • “I want to adopt, but don’t know where to start.”
  • “Do I have what it takes to be a single parent?”
  • “Since my baby was born, I’ve been so depressed. Will my life ever be the same?”

Fortunately, you can benefit from Merle’s 30+ years of experience in the fertility field, and her empathy and respect for women and their motherhood dreams and fears. She is available to work with you individually and/or as a couple depending on your needs.

​Merle can help you with:

  • ​Working it out with your partner if you are disagreeing about your choices to make the best possible decision.
  • Clarifying your values and life plans if you choose to not have children.
  • Preparing for the changes that parenthood and motherhood can bring.
  • Completing unfinished psychological business so that you are ready for motherhood.
  • Planning with your partner to share the responsibilities of work and parenting.
  • Living the most fulfilling life possible, no matter which decision you make.

​Other motherhood issues Merle can address:

  • Deciding to be a single parent.
  • Deciding to be a gay parent.
  • Deciding whether to have another child; preparing your family for the new baby.
  • Deciding on or coping with gynecological surgery, including hysterectomy.
  • Preserving your fertility before cancer treatment.
  • Handling the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.
  • Coping with emotional storms during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
  • Handling the frustrations of pregnancy complications and bed rest.
  • Handling postpartum relationships and parenting issues.
  • Understanding that bonding isn’t always immediate, and handling your feelings about this.

Using strategic coping and decision-making techniques you can reach your goals quickly, typically in five to fifteen sessions.

Enjoy the book and related information:

Learn more about Merle’s book, ​​The Baby Decision: How to Make the Most Important Choice of Your Life,on Amazon and

And for related information, you can also visit our pages on Parenthood and Childfree Living.

Contact Merle today to talk about your motherhood decision-making needs. You’ll see Merle’s contact info after the testimonial below:

Expert guidance counseling & advice to see if motherhood is right for you or not

“Intelligent, sensitive, and exceptionally useful support to all in the process of conscious decision making about transition to parenthood or childfree living.”

Janet Surrey, Ph.D.,
Clinical Psychologist and Meditation Teacher
specializing in diversity, mothering, adoption, and substance abuse.
Author of The Buddha’s Wife: The Path of Awakening Together

Get In Touch:

1 + 14 =




Merle [at]


Anywhere you are, via Zoom

Mon-Fri: 1-7 pm EST by appointment